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Filtrés par : CEDH / CEDH | Cour européenne des droits de l'homme

La Jurisprudences de CEDH | Cour européenne des droits de l'homme concernant formation:Commission (plénière) - page 44

Page 44 des 574 résultats trouvés :


Art. 14 DISCRIMINATION, Art. 9-1 LIBERTE DE RELIGION ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 8081/7 7 X . v/the UNITED KINGDOM ' X . c/ROYAUME-UNI ' DECISION of 12 December 1977 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 12 décembre 1977 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e A rticle 5 paragraph 1J of the Convention : Only the existence of extradition or deportation proceedings justifies detention according to this provision . The detention may cease to be jusri/iéd if the proceedings are not conducted wirh the necessary diligence . Examination of the development of those proceedings...

CEDH | 12/12/1977 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 14 DISCRIMINATION, Art. 9-1 LIBERTE DE RELIGION ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQU@TE N° 7379/76 X . v/the UNITED KINGDOM X . c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 10 December 1976 on the admissibility of the application DECISION du 10 décembre 1976 sur la recevabilité de la requéte Articfe 26 of the Convention : Six months'rule a In the absence of any remedy against a decision or an act of a public authority, the period runs from the moment the decision or the act takes effect . b The act that deprives someone of his property does not give rise to a continuing situation of lack of property, which...

CEDH | 10/12/1977 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 14 DISCRIMINATION, Art. 9-1 LIBERTE DE RELIGION ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUÉTE No . 6504/74 Dieter PREIKHZAS v/the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY' Dieter PREIKHZAS c/RÉPUBLIQUE FEDERALE D'ALLEMAGNE ' DECISION of 7 December 1977 on the admissibility of the applicatio n DÉCISION du 7 décembre 1977 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e An'icte 5, paragraph 1 of the Convention : Question whether a dispute between a public admintstration and one of its employees under contract concerns the determination of the latter's civil righrs and obligations . Length of proceedings before labour courts...

CEDH | 07/12/1977 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 14 DISCRIMINATION, Art. 9-1 LIBERTE DE RELIGION ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 7614/76 Hans-Joachim NAGEL v/the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMAN Y Hans-Joachim NAGEL c/REPUBLIQUE FEDERALE D'ALLEMAGN E DECISION of 7 December 1977 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 7 décembre 1977 sur la recevabilité de la requêl e Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Convention : Criminal proceedings lasting approximately 12 years. Determination of the period to be taken into consideration . Criteria ror deciding on the reasonableness of the length of proceedings recalled Application declared...

CEDH | 07/12/1977 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 14 DISCRIMINATION, Art. 9-1 LIBERTE DE RELIGION ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATIQN/REQU ETE N° 7759/77 Walter BUCHHOLZ v/the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY' Walter BUCHHOLZ c/REPUBLIQUE FÉDÉRALE D'ALLEMAGNE ' DECISION ol 7 December 1977 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISIQN du 7 décembre 1977 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e A rtic% 6, paragraph 1 of the Convention : Reasonable time Icivill . Criteria for assessmen t a the steps raken by the applicant in order to expedite proceedings ; b the question whether the applicant himself can be held responsible for the delays IApplication...

CEDH | 07/12/1977 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 14 DISCRIMINATION, Art. 9-1 LIBERTE DE RELIGION ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 7648/7 6 X . v/SWITZERLAN D X . c/SUISS E DECISION of 6 December 1977 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 6 décembre 1977 sur la recevabilité de la requét e Article 5, paragraph 1a of the Convention : Administrative decision ordering renewed detention for a minimum of 5 years of a convict released on probation . Nature of such decision ? Complaint declared admissibfe . Article 5, paragraph 4, of the Convention : Does a public law appeal to the Swiss Federal Court against a decision to...

CEDH | 06/12/1977 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 14 DISCRIMINATION, Art. 9-1 LIBERTE DE RELIGION ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 7694/76 X . A .G . v/the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Y A .G . I . Z GmbH 1 c/RÉPUBLIQUE FÉDÉRALE D'ALLEMAGN E DECISI,~,,,N of 14 October 1977 on the admissibility of the applicatlon DÉCISION du 14 octobre 1977 sur la recevabiGté de la requêt e Article 1 of the First Protocof : A person complaining of an interference with his propeny must show that such right extsled . Article 74 of the Convention in conjunction with Article 1 of the First Protocof : No discrimination in the compensation of owners...

CEDH | 14/10/1977 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 14 DISCRIMINATION, Art. 9-1 LIBERTE DE RELIGION ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 7114/7 5 Alan Stanley HAMER v/the UNITED KINGDOM Alan Stanley HAMER c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 13 October 1977 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 13 octobre 1977 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Articfe 12 of the Convention : Detention, as such, does not prevent in fact the exercise of the right to marry. Can the refusal to grant a prisoner the necessary faciliries to marry, be considered as a measure taken under "nationaf laws governing the exercise" of the right to marry ? Delaying...

CEDH | 13/10/1977 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 14 DISCRIMINATION, Art. 9-1 LIBERTE DE RELIGION ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATIQN/REQUÉTE N° 7034/7 5 Xv/AUSTRI A X . c/AUTRICH E DECISION of 12 October 1977 on the admissibility of the applicatio n DÉCISIQN du 12 octobre 1977 sur la recevabilité de la requète Article 5, paragraph 1 a of the Convention : Following an amendment of the law, preventive detention in a different institution to that specified in the sentence . Detention nevertheless in accordance with Artic% 5, paragraph 1 lal . Article 5, paragraph 4 of the Convention : Judicial control of the execution of an order of preventive...

CEDH | 12/10/1977 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 14 DISCRIMINATION, Art. 9-1 LIBERTE DE RELIGION ... ...Commission plénière...TRADUCTION EN DROI T Le requérant se plaint qu'il n'y a pas eu un procés équitable devant les tribunaux de Dominique . Il se plaint également des conditions de sa détention à Dominique . Il allègue la violation des articles 3, 6 et 14 de la Convention . Les griefs du requérant portent exclusivement sur des actes des tribunaux et des autorités administratives de Dominique, territoire dont le Royaume-Uni assure les relations internationales et auquel la Convention s'applique en vertu d'une déclaration faite par le...

CEDH | 05/10/1977 | Commission (plénière)
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