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Filtrés par : CEDH / CEDH | Cour européenne des droits de l'homme

La Jurisprudences de CEDH | Cour européenne des droits de l'homme concernant formation:Commission (plénière) - page 25

Page 25 des 574 résultats trouvés :


Art. 34 RECOURS, Art. 34 VICTIME, Art. 6-1 DELAI RAISONNABLE ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATIONS/REQUiTES Nos 9024/80 9317/81 Ooined/jointes Giacinto COLOZZA and Pedro RUBINAT v/ITAL Y Giacinto COLOZZA et Pedro RUBINAT c/ITALI E DECISION of 9 July 1982 on the admissibility of the applications DÉCISION du 9 juillet 1982 sur la recevabilité des requête s Article 6 of the Convention : Questiorr whether proceedings in abstentia ttnder the Itahun criminal Code of procedure are compmible with Anice 6 us a whole . Complaint declared admissible . Article 13 of the Convention : Existence of an...

CEDH | 09/07/1982 | Commission (plénière)

CEDH | X., Y. et Z. c. ROYAUME-UNI

Art. 34 RECOURS, Art. 34 VICTIME, Art. 6-1 DELAI RAISONNABLE ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9285/8 1 X ., Y . and Z . v/the UNITED KINGDO M X ., Y . et Z . c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 6 July 1982 on the admissibility of the application DECISION du 6 juillet 1982 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 6, paragraph 1, of the Convendon : Provision not applicable to proceedings concernirtg residence permits for alieru. Artlcle 8 of the Convention : Deport ation of a man who is husband and father corrsidered as an interference in his family life, but nevertheless justified as necessa ry...

CEDH | 06/07/1982 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 34 RECOURS, Art. 34 VICTIME, Art. 6-1 DELAI RAISONNABLE ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9402/8 1 X . v/SWITZERLAN D X . c/SUISSE DECISION of 5 July 1982 Striking off the list of cases DÉCISION du 5 juillet 1982 Radiation du rôle Article 44, paragraph 1, of the Commission's Rules of Procedure : Application struck off the list for failure bt' the applicant's representative to set out the basis of the application within a reasonable time after its introduction . Article 44, paragraphe 1, du Règlement intérieur de la Commission : Requéte ravée du rôle pour omission . par le...

CEDH | 05/07/1982 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 ACCUSATION EN MATIERE PENALE, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 8811 /7 9 Seven individuals v/SWEDEN Sept personnes c/SUÈD E DECISION of 13 May 1982 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 13 mai 1982 sur la recevabilité de la requête Artlcle 8, peregraph I of the Convention : Respect for family life implies that parental rights and choices in the upbringing of children are paramount as against the State. The existerrce of legislation prohibiting all corporal punishment of childrert, but which does not provide for any sanctions in this...

CEDH | 13/05/1982 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 ACCUSATION EN MATIERE PENALE, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUEI'E N° 8873/8 0 X . v/UNITED KINGDO M X . c/ROYAUME-UN f DECISION of 13 May 1982 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 13 mai 1982 sur la recevabilité de la requête The declaration made under this provision Article 63 of the Convention shows that this island does not form irttegral part of he United Kingdom . Article 3 of the First Protocol Residents of Jersey unable to participate in elections to the United Kingdotn Parliament. In spite of the legislative competence which the latter...

CEDH | 13/05/1982 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 ACCUSATION EN MATIERE PENALE, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATIONS/REQUETES N° 9214/80, 9473/81 9474/81 Ooined/jointes CABALES v/the UNITED KINGDOM BALKANDALI c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 11 Mav 1982 on the admissibility of the applications DÉCISION du 11 mai 1982 sur la recevabilité des requête s Artlcle 3 of the Convention degrading treatment . Discrimination based on race may amount to Artlcle 8 of the Convention The exclusion of a person from a country where close members of his family are living falls under the scope of this provision . Artlcles 13 end 14...

CEDH | 11/05/1982 | Commission (plénière)

CEDH | X. Ltd. et Y. c. ROYAUME-UNI

Art. 6-1 ACCUSATION EN MATIERE PENALE, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 8710/79 X . Ltd . and Y v/UNITED KINGDO M X . Ltd . et Y . c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 7 May 1982 on the admissibility of the application DECISION du 7 mai 1982 sur la re cevabilitb de la re quête Artlcle 7, paregraph I of the Conventlon : Where under rules of common or customary law an act constitutes a criminal offence, the courts may clarlfy the constituent elements of the offence but not change them to the detriment of the accused. The manner in which the cou rt s will define these...

CEDH | 07/05/1982 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 ACCUSATION EN MATIERE PENALE, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9515/8 1 X . v/the UNITED KINGDO M X . c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 7 May 1982 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 7 niai 1982 sur la recevabilité de la requête Article 26 of the Convention : The person who, be it at the request of the public authorities, has withdrawn an appeal which enabled him to raise in substance . the complaints he wishes to bring before the Commission, has not exhausted domestic remedies . Article 26 de la Convention : N'a pas épuisé les voies de...

CEDH | 07/05/1982 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 ACCUSATION EN MATIERE PENALE, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUIRPE N° 9365/8 1 X . v/the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMAN Y X . c/RÉPUBLIQUE FÉDÉRALE D'ALLEMAGN E DECISION of 6 May 1982 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 6 ntai 1982 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 6, paragraph 3c of the Convention : This provision does not guarantee a definitive exemption from legal costs . The reimbursement may be required afier the trial if the person concerned has the means to meet the costs . Article 6, paragraphe 3, Iltt . c, de la Convention...

CEDH | 06/05/1982 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 ACCUSATION EN MATIERE PENALE, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... ...Commission plénière...APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9403/8 1 X . v/the UNITED KINGDO M X . c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 5 May 1982 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 5 mai 1982 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 5, paragraph I of the Convention The term "lawful detention" implies that the domestic law which permits it must be sufficiently accessible and enable the person concerned to foresee the consequences of his acts . Article 5, paragraph 1f of the Convention : Confronted with a law which allows for the detentiort...

CEDH | 05/05/1982 | Commission (plénière)
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