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La jurisprudences de CEDH - page 787

Page 787 des 8 553 résultats trouvés :


Art. 6-1 DELAI RAISONNABLE, Art. 6-1 DROITS ET OBLIGATIONS DE CARACTERE CIVIL ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9018/80 K . v/the NETHERLAND S K . c/PAYS-BA S DECISION of 4 July 1983 on the admissibility of the application DECISION du 4 juillet 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 8 of the Convention : This provision ensures the right of a divorced parent to have contacts with his child. Only very serious reasons could justify the refusal of any contacts . In the present case, that refusal can be considered necessa ry in the interests of the child. - Article 8 de la Convention : Cette disposition protège le droit pour un...

CEDH | 04/07/1983 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 DELAI RAISONNABLE, Art. 6-1 DROITS ET OBLIGATIONS DE CARACTERE CIVIL ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9419/8 1 P . v/SWITZERLAN D P . c/SUISS E DECISION of 4 July 1983 on the adniissibility ot'the application DÉCISION du 4 juillet 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 6, paragraph 3c ; , of the Convention : The obligatiou imposed omr dte accused to pav the costs oj his dejence caunse l after conviction is not coutrarv to this provision . unless he has iasuJjiciem means to pqr or legal assistance . Article 64 of the Convention : Swir_erland's interpretative decluration conceruing Article 6, paragraph 3 c...

CEDH | 04/07/1983 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 6-1 DELAI RAISONNABLE, Art. 6-1 DROITS ET OBLIGATIONS DE CARACTERE CIVIL ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9914/8 2 H . v/the NETHERLANDS H . c/PAYS-BA S DECISION of 4 July 1983 on the admissibility of the application DÉC7SION du 4 juillet 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requête Article 3 of the First Protocol : The national legislator, in esercise of his margin oJ appreciation, ntay restrict the right to vote of convicted persans, even when it involves the conviction of an unconditional, conscientious objector to mititary service, who refused to comply with the formalities enabling him to acquire objector status. Article 3 du P...

CEDH | 04/07/1983 | Commission (plénière)

CEDH | Association X. et 165 syndics et administrateurs judiciaires c. FRANCE

Art. 6-1 DELAI RAISONNABLE, Art. 6-1 DROITS ET OBLIGATIONS DE CARACTERE CIVIL ... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 9939/8 2 Association X aus 165 liquidators and court appointed administrators v/FRANC E Association X . et 165 syndics et administrateurs judiciaires c/FRANC E DECISION ot 4 Juiv 1983 in the admissibility of the application décision du 4 juillet 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 25 of the Convention : A proJessioual association, a non-goventmental organisation . iacapable oJ clainmiug to be a "victint" itself, cannot briug an application against a measure which affects i ts nientbers . Article 25 de la...

CEDH | 04/07/1983 | Commission (plénière)


COUR CHAMBRE AFFAIRE ECKLE c. ALLEMAGNE ARTICLE 50 Requête no 8130/78 ARRÊT STRASBOURG 21 juin 1983 En l’affaire Eckle, La Cour européenne des Droits de l’Homme, constituée, conformément à l’article 43 art. 43 de la Convention de sauvegarde des Droits de l’Homme et des Libertés fondamentales "la Convention" et aux clauses pertinentes de son règlement*, en une chambre composée des juges dont le nom suit: MM.  R. Ryssdal, président, Thór Viljhálmsson, W. Ganshof van der Meersch, L. Liesch, J. Pinheiro Farinha, L.-E. Pettiti, R. Bernhardt, ainsi que de MM. M.-A. Eissen, greffier...

CEDH | 21/06/1983 | Cour (chambre)

CEDH | Association K. c. SUEDE

Art. 6-1 EGALITE DES ARMES, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE, Art. 6-1 PROCES ORAL, Art. 6-3-c ASSISTANCE D'UN DEFENSEUR DE SON CHOIX, Art.... APPLICATION/ R EQU ETE N° 10144 : 8 2 K . Association v/SWEDEN Association K . c/SUÈD E DECISION of 11 May 1983 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 11 mai 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Arlicle 6, paraQraph 1, of the Convention : The procedure bp which a tenau's ussociation requests the competern authority to designate, as it mav under the lase, a special manager for a building, does ttot involve civil rights and obligations . Article 6, paragraphe 1, de la...

CEDH | 11/05/1983 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 EGALITE DES ARMES, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE, Art. 6-1 PROCES ORAL, Art. 6-3-c ASSISTANCE D'UN DEFENSEUR DE SON CHOIX, Art.... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 10230/8 2 X . v/SWEDE N X . c/SUÈD E DECISION of 11 May 1983 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 11 mai 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requête Article 5, paragraph 4 of the Convention : This provision canrtot be invoked by a person after release for the purpose of obtainiteg a declaration that a previous detention was unlawful. Artlcle 26 of the Convention : Failing doniestic remedies . the six months period runs from the end of the situation...

CEDH | 11/05/1983 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 6-1 EGALITE DES ARMES, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE, Art. 6-1 PROCES ORAL, Art. 6-3-c ASSISTANCE D'UN DEFENSEUR DE SON CHOIX, Art.... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9353/8 1 A .W . WEBB v/the UNITED KINGDO M A .W . WEBB c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 11 May 1983 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 11 mai 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 6, paragraph 1, of the Convention : The whole oj the proceedirrgs in questiou nrust be considered in order to decide whether the refusal oj legal aid in a civil case prejttdiced the right of access to cotrrt aud the righl to a Jàir hearing ref. Airey,judgment...

CEDH | 11/05/1983 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 EGALITE DES ARMES, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE, Art. 6-1 PROCES ORAL, Art. 6-3-c ASSISTANCE D'UN DEFENSEUR DE SON CHOIX, Art.... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9559/81 Pierre DE VARGA-HIRSCH v/FRANC E Pierre DE VARGA-HIRSCH c/FRANC E DECISION of 9 May 1983 on the admissibility of the application DECISION du 9 mai 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 3 of the Convention : It cannot be excluded that detention of a person who is ill rnay raise issues under this provision . Examination of the medical supervision of the person concerned in the present case. Artlcle 5, paragraph 3, of the Convention : Reasorwble tinte...

CEDH | 09/05/1983 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 EGALITE DES ARMES, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE, Art. 6-1 PROCES ORAL, Art. 6-3-c ASSISTANCE D'UN DEFENSEUR DE SON CHOIX, Art.... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9900/82 X . Union v/FRANC E Syndicat X . c/FRANC E DECISION of 4 May 1983 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 4 mai 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requête Article 25 of the Convention : A professional union, a non governmental orgarrisation, incapab/e to claim to be a"victim" itself. camrot brbtg mr application against a measure which affects its members. The Convention does not allow for an actio popula ri s. Artlcle 25 de la Convenllon : Un...

CEDH | 04/05/1983 | Cour (chambre)
Association des cours judiciaires suprmes francophones
Organisation internationale de la francophonie
Juricaf est un projet de l'AHJUCAF, l'association des Cours suprêmes judiciaires francophones. Il est soutenu par l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie. Juricaf est un projet de l'AHJUCAF, l'association des Cours suprêmes judiciaires francophones. Il est soutenu par l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie.
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