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La jurisprudences de CEDH - page 785

Page 785 des 8 553 résultats trouvés :

CEDH | H. amp; K. c. ROYAUME-UNI

APPLICATION/REQU@TE N° 10317/83 H . K . v/the UNITED KINGDO M H . K . c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 6 October 1983 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 6 octobre 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requête Article 10 of the Convention : The official tolerance of the perjôrmances oJ" street musiciaos . restricted to certain, desigtrated places, does uot constitute aa interjerence with freedom oj expression . The limitation oJ' mauifestatious causing a gemtine obstruction oj the highway . trespass or nuisance may be a justified interference, nmde aecessary io the interests ol'public safery . the preventiou of disorder or...

CEDH | 06/10/1983 | Commission (plénière)


APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 10326/83 . R . v / DENMARK R . c/DANEMAR K DECISION of 6 October 1983 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 6 octobre 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requèt e A rt lcle 26 of the Convention : In respect of a criminal conviction by Danish Couns, an application to the Special Court of Revision does not constiture, in general . a domestic remedy which must be e.chausted, nor need account be taken of it in calculatirtg the sis ntonths' period . Article 26 de la Convention : S'agissant d'une condamnntion pénale prorroncée par des tribunaux danois, le recours à la Cour spéciale de révision ne...

CEDH | 06/10/1983 | Commission (plénière)


APPLICATION / REQUÉTE N° 10343/83 Z . v/ SWITZERLAN D Z . c/SUISS E DECISION of 6 October 1983 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 6 octobre 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 10 of the Convention : Despite the essential role of the press in the fied of political discussion, the criminal conviction of an accredited parliamentary journalist, for publishing a confidential parliamentary document, may be considered necessarv in a democratic socierv . for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence . Article 10 de la Convention : En dépit du rôle éminenr qui doit @rre reconnu àa...

CEDH | 06/10/1983 | Commission (plénière)


APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9815/82 Peter Michael LINGENS v/AUSTRI A Peter Michael LINGENS c/AUTRICH E DECISION of 5 October 1983 on the admissibility of the application DBCISION du 5 octobre 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requête Article 10 of the Convention : Conviction of a journalist jbr defamation . /a expressing his opinion about the behaviour of a politician, he was deented to have used unacceptable tanguage . In the circumstances. this measure was in accordance with the law and aimed at the protection of the reputation of others. Was it "necessa ry in a democratic society" ?Application declared admissibte . Article 10 de la...

CEDH | 05/10/1983 | Commission (plénière)

CEDH | G. and E. v. NORWAY

APPLICATION/REQUÉTES N° 9278/81 9415/81 joined/jointes G . and E . v/NORWAY G . et E . c/NORVÈG E DECISION of 3 October 1983 on the admissibility of the applications DÉCISION du 3 octobre 1983 sur la recevabilité des requête s Article I of the Convention : In guaranteeing certain rights to "everyone" within the jurisdiction of the High Contracting Parties, the Convention does not recognise specific righrs for minoriries . Article 8 of the Convention : A minoriry's life style may, in principle, fall under rhe protection of private life, family life or the home . 7he submersion of a very small area of land because of the...

CEDH | 03/10/1983 | Commission (plénière)


APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9776/8 2 J .W . and E .W . v/the UNITED KINGDO M J .W . et E .W . c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 3 October 1983 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 3 octobre 1983 sur la récevabilité de la requêt e Article I or the First Protocol : br certain circumstaaces, this provision glmrantees the rig/it to beneflt from a pension scherne to n-hich one hus coatributed. Eveu if this right extends, in principle, to the periodic iucreases . it nlay be subjected to restrictions . if the pensiou is to be paid abroad . Article 14 of the Convention, In cortfunction with Article I of the First Protocol : The juct that...

CEDH | 03/10/1983 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 DELAI RAISONNABLE, Art. 6-1 DROITS ET OBLIGATIONS DE CARACTERE CIVIL ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9315/8 1 J . v/AUSTRI A J . c/AUTRICH E DECISION of 15 July 1983 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 15 juillet 1983 sur la recevabilitc de la requ@t e Article 6, paragraphe I and 3 c , of the Conventlon : Although rrot guaranteeing a right of appea/, these provisions . in principle . applV to existing appeal procedures . without, however, going as far as to require a full, second hearing. Persona attendance at an appeal is only one etentent to be considered . along with others . in evaluating the fairness...

CEDH | 15/07/1983 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 DELAI RAISONNABLE, Art. 6-1 DROITS ET OBLIGATIONS DE CARACTERE CIVIL ... APPLICATION / REQUÊTE N° 9728/8 2 M . v/the UNITED KINGDO M M . c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 15 July 1983 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 15 juillet 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requ@t e A rticle 6, paragraph I of the Convention : 7his provision cannor be construed as requiring in all criminal appeal cases a second . full hearing, attended by the appellant . unless the appeal cou rts' powers and the issues before it make this necessary to guarantee the fairness of the proceedings as a whole . In the present case, the appeal...

CEDH | 15/07/1983 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 6-1 DELAI RAISONNABLE, Art. 6-1 DROITS ET OBLIGATIONS DE CARACTERE CIVIL ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9661/82 B . v/AUSTRI A B . c/AUTRICH E DECISION on 14 July 1983 on the admissibility of he applicaiion DÉCISION du 14 juillet 1983 sur la recevabiliit: de la requè e Article 6, paragraph l, of the Convention :/n reaching the conclusion that this provision does not apply to a compensation claim for detention on remand followed by the abandonment of criminal proceedings, the Commission relies on the fact that, on the one hand, the relevant national legislation cannot be assimilated or compared with the common law on civil...

CEDH | 14/07/1983 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 6-1 DELAI RAISONNABLE, Art. 6-1 DROITS ET OBLIGATIONS DE CARACTERE CIVIL ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 9777/8 2 T . v/BELGiU M T . c/BELGIQU E DECISION of 14 July 1983 on the admissibility of the application DECISION du 14 juillet 1983 sur la recevabilité de la requ8t e Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Convention : The right of access to cou rt does not include a right to have criminal proceedings instituted against third persons. Article 10 of the Convention : A criminal conviction for publishing a pamphlet, and the confiscation of copies thereof, constitutes an interference with the exercise of freedom of expression . Pamphlet...

CEDH | 14/07/1983 | Commission (plénière)
Association des cours judiciaires suprmes francophones
Organisation internationale de la francophonie
Juricaf est un projet de l'AHJUCAF, l'association des Cours suprêmes judiciaires francophones. Il est soutenu par l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie. Juricaf est un projet de l'AHJUCAF, l'association des Cours suprêmes judiciaires francophones. Il est soutenu par l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie.
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