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La jurisprudences de CEDH - page 779

Page 779 des 8 553 résultats trouvés :

CEDH | E. et G.R. contre l'AUTRICHE

Art. 34 VICTIME, Art. 5-3 JUGE OU AUTRE MAGISTRAT EXERCANT DES FONCTIONS JUDICIAIRES, Art. 5-4 INTRODUIRE UN RECOURS, Art. 5-4... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 9781/82 E. and G .R . v/AUSTRI A E. et G .R . dAIICRICH E DECISION of 14 May 1984 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 14 mai 1984 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 9, paragrap6 I, of the Convention : 7he fact that a public authority authorises church regulations requiring financial contributions from the faithful does not lead to the conclusion that the State thereby interferes with freedom of religion. 71te latter is safeguarded by guaranteeing...

CEDH | 14/05/1984 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 34 VICTIME, Art. 5-3 JUGE OU AUTRE MAGISTRAT EXERCANT DES FONCTIONS JUDICIAIRES, Art. 5-4 INTRODUIRE UN RECOURS, Art. 5-4... APPLICATION/REQUÈTE No 10038/82 Harriet HARMAN v/the UNIT ED KINGDO M Harriet HARMAN c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 11 May 1984 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 11 mai 1984 sur la recevabilité de la requête Article 7 of the Convention : Allegedly unforeseeable conviction for the contempt of court Complaint declared admissible. Articles 10 and 14 of the Convention : Official documents produced in the course ofdiscovery proceedings : solicitor found guilty of contempt of coun...

CEDH | 11/05/1984 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 34 VICTIME, Art. 5-3 JUGE OU AUTRE MAGISTRAT EXERCANT DES FONCTIONS JUDICIAIRES, Art. 5-4 INTRODUIRE UN RECOURS, Art. 5-4... APPLICATION/REQUETE No 10039/82 David LEIGH , GUARDIAN NEWSPAPERS Ltd, v/the UNITED KINGDOM THE OBSERVER Ltd, c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 11 May 1984 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 11 may 1984 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 10, prtragraph I and Article 25 of the Conven tion : A journalisr or the editor of a newspaper may not claim to be a victim of a restriction on his right to receive information by the mere fact that case law exists which limits access to...

CEDH | 11/05/1984 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 34 VICTIME, Art. 5-3 JUGE OU AUTRE MAGISTRAT EXERCANT DES FONCTIONS JUDICIAIRES, Art. 5-4 INTRODUIRE UN RECOURS, Art. 5-4... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 10640/83 A . v/SWITZERLAN D A . c/SUISS E DECISION of 9 May 1984 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 9 mai 1984 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 9 of the Convention :/t follows from A rticle 4, paragraph 3 b of rhe Conrenrion "in countries where conscientious objectors are recognised " rhat a penalty for refusing milita ry service cannot consritute a violation of Article 9 . Arlicle 14 of the Convention, in conjunction with Article 9 of...

CEDH | 09/05/1984 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 34 VICTIME, Art. 5-3 JUGE OU AUTRE MAGISTRAT EXERCANT DES FONCTIONS JUDICIAIRES, Art. 5-4 INTRODUIRE UN RECOURS, Art. 5-4... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 10279/ 83 E . v/SWITZERLAN D E . c/SUISS E DECISION of 7 May 1984 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du7 mai 1984 sur la recevabilité de la requête Article l0 of the Convention : A disciplinary sanction imposed on a judge for having distributed, in a private capacity, leaflets with a political content is an interference with his right to freedom of espression . Whether such interference is necessary depends on the nature of the right in question, the extent...

CEDH | 07/05/1984 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 6-1 PROCES ORAL, Art. 6-3-b FACILITES NECESSAIRES, Art. 6-3-b TEMPS NECESSAIRE, Art. 6-3-c ASSISTANCE D'UN DEFENSEUR DE SON... COUR CHAMBRE AFFAIRE GODDI c. ITALIE Requête no 8966/80 ARRÊT STRASBOURG 9 avril 1984 En l’affaire Goddi, La Cour européenne des Droits de l’Homme, constituée, conformément à l’article 43 art. 43 de la Convention de sauvegarde des Droits de l’Homme et des Libertés fondamentales "la Convention" et aux clauses pertinentes de son règlement*, en une chambre composée des juges dont le nom suit: MM.  G. Wiarda, président, G. Lagergren, L. Liesch, F. Gölcükl...

CEDH | 09/04/1984 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 5-1 LIBERTE PHYSIQUE, Art. 5-1-e ALIENE, Art. 5-4 INTRODUIRE UN RECOURS ... APPLICATION / REQUE'TE N° 10462/83 B . v/the FEDERAL REPPUBLIC OF GERMANY B . c/RÉPUBLIQUE FÉDÉRALE D'ALLEMAGN E DECISION of 15 March 1984 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 15 mars 1984 sur la recevabilité de la requét e Article 10 of the Conventlon : 77tis provision does not guarantee a right to install technical equipment for the use of special means of communication, such as an antenna for an amateur radio station. Articfe 10 de la Convention : Cette disposition ne reconnair aucun droit de faire des installations...

CEDH | 15/03/1984 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 5-1 LIBERTE PHYSIQUE, Art. 5-1-e ALIENE, Art. 5-4 INTRODUIRE UN RECOURS ... APPLICA7ION / REQUÉTE N° 9320/8 1 D . v/the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY D . c/RÉPUBLIQUE FÉDÉRALE D'ALLEMAGNE DECISION of 15 March 1984 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 15 mars 1984 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 25 of the Convention : The question whether an applicant can claim to be a victim of a violation of the Convention is relevant throughout the ezamination of the application _ 7he answer to this question depends largely on the legal interest which the applicant has in a determination of his allegations...

CEDH | 15/03/1984 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 5-1 LIBERTE PHYSIQUE, Art. 5-1-e ALIENE, Art. 5-4 INTRODUIRE UN RECOURS ... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N" 9532/8 1 Mark REES v/the UNITED KINGDOM Mark REES c / ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of IS March 1984 ori the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 15 mars 1984 sur la recevabilité .de la requèt e Article 8 of the Conventlon : Question whether the lega l and administrative system in the United Kingdom, which does not provide a right to an amended bi rth certificate in recognition of a person's change of sex is compatible with theright to respect for private life Complaint declared admissible . A rticle 1 2 of the...

CEDH | 15/03/1984 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 5-1 LIBERTE PHYSIQUE, Art. 5-1-e ALIENE, Art. 5-4 INTRODUIRE UN RECOURS ... APPLICATION / REQUÉTE N° 9639/8 2 B ., R . and J . v/the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY B ., R . et J . c/RÉPUBLIQUE FÉDÉRALE D'ALLEMAGN E DECISION of 15 March 1984 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 15 mars 1984 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 8 of the Convention : Even though this provision imposes on the High Contracting Panies principally negative obligations, it mav also impose certain positive obligations . Article 8 protects the illegitimate family . Nevertheless . by virrue of Article 12 of the Convention...

CEDH | 15/03/1984 | Commission (plénière)
Association des cours judiciaires suprmes francophones
Organisation internationale de la francophonie
Juricaf est un projet de l'AHJUCAF, l'association des Cours suprêmes judiciaires francophones. Il est soutenu par l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie. Juricaf est un projet de l'AHJUCAF, l'association des Cours suprêmes judiciaires francophones. Il est soutenu par l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie.
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