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Filtrés par : CEDH / CEDH | Cour européenne des droits de l'homme

La jurisprudences de CEDH | Cour européenne des droits de l'homme - page 834

Page 834 des 8 549 résultats trouvés :


Art. 11 LIBERTE DE REUNION ET D'ASSOCIATION, Art. 11-1 FONDER ET S'AFFILIER A DES SYNDICATS, Art. 11-1 INTERET DES MEMBRES ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 5759/72 X . v/AUSTRIA X . c/AUTRICH E DECISION OF 20 May 1976 on the admissibility of the application DECISION du 20 mai 1976 sur la recevabilité de la requête Articte 26 of the Convention : Period of six months : a When there is no remedy, the period begins from the date of the decision complained against. b /n the case of judgment detivered in open court in the presence of the applicant's lawyer, the period starts to run from the date of delivery if the applicant would...

CEDH | 20/05/1976 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 11 LIBERTE DE REUNION ET D'ASSOCIATION, Art. 11-1 FONDER ET S'AFFILIER A DES SYNDICATS, Art. 11-1 INTERET DES MEMBRES ... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 7216/7 5 X . v/FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMAN Y X . c/RÉPUBLIQUE FEDERALE D'ALLEMAGN E DECISION of 20 May 1976 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 20 mai 1976 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 3 of the Convention : The expulsion of an individual to a particular country can, under exceptional circumstances be contrary to Article 3 . Comparison between the behaviour of the person concerned and his allegations. Article 26 of the Convention : Exhaustion of...

CEDH | 20/05/1976 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 11 LIBERTE DE REUNION ET D'ASSOCIATION, Art. 11-1 FONDER ET S'AFFILIER A DES SYNDICATS, Art. 11-1 INTERET DES MEMBRES ... APPLICATION/REQU tTE N° 6959/75 Rosemarie BRÜGGEMANN and Adelhaid SCHEUTEN v/FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Rosemarie BRUGGEMANN et Adelhaid SCHEUTEN c/REPUBLIQUE FEDERALE D'ALLEMAGN E DECISION of 19 May 1976 on the admissibility of the application DECISION du 19 mai 1976 sur la recevabilitA de la requPt e Artfcle 8 of the Convention : Pregnancy and the interruption of pregnancy form part of private life and also, under certain conditions, of family /ife . Sexual life forms part of private fife ; the...

CEDH | 19/05/1976 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 11 LIBERTE DE REUNION ET D'ASSOCIATION, Art. 11-1 FONDER ET S'AFFILIER A DES SYNDICATS, Art. 11-1 INTERET DES MEMBRES ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 6850/7 4 Association X ., Y . and Z . v/FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Association X ., Y . et Z . c/RÉPUBLIOUE FEDERALE D'ALLEMAGN E DECISION of 18 May 1976 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 18 mai 1976 sur la recevabilité de la requét e A rticles 9 and 11 of the Convention : These provisions do not forbid the subsidising of political parties . They do not confer a right to take part in elections as a political party . A rt icle 3 of Protocol No . 1 : The free...

CEDH | 18/05/1976 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 11 LIBERTE DE REUNION ET D'ASSOCIATION, Art. 11-1 FONDER ET S'AFFILIER A DES SYNDICATS, Art. 11-1 INTERET DES MEMBRES ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 6886/7 5 X . v/UNITED KINGDOM X . c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 18 May 1976 on the admissibility of the application DECISION du 18 mai 1976 sur la recevabilité de la requéte Article 9, paragraph 2 of the Convention : The retention by the prison authorities of a book that, although religious or philosophical in character, contains a chapter dedicated to martial arts, is a measure that may be considered necessary in a democratic society for the protection of the rights and freedom of...

CEDH | 18/05/1976 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 11 LIBERTE DE REUNION ET D'ASSOCIATION, Art. 11-1 FONDER ET S'AFFILIER A DES SYNDICATS, Art. 11-1 INTERET DES MEMBRES ... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 6087/73 X . v/AUSTRIA X . c/AUTRICH E DECISION of 13 May 1976 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 13 mai 1976 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article I of Protocol No . 1 : This provision applies in connection with taxation and its relation to property rights. Article 14 of the Convention, in conjunction with Article I of Protocol No. 1 : The authorities are not bound to furnish a particular justNication for the collection of a tax for a special purpose from...

CEDH | 13/05/1976 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 11 LIBERTE DE REUNION ET D'ASSOCIATION, Art. 11-1 FONDER ET S'AFFILIER A DES SYNDICATS, Art. 11-1 INTERET DES MEMBRES ... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 6271/73 X . v/the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY X . c/REPUBLIQUE FEDERALE D'ALLEMAGN E DECISION of 13 May 1976 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 13 mai 1976 sur la recevabilité de la requPt e Article 26 of the Convention : Exhaustion of domestic remedies . a . In the Federal Republic of Germany a person who complains of having been illtreated after his arrest should generally lodge a constitutional appeal on the basis of Article 104, paragraph 1, of the Basic...

CEDH | 13/05/1976 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 11 LIBERTE DE REUNION ET D'ASSOCIATION, Art. 11-1 FONDER ET S'AFFILIER A DES SYNDICATS, Art. 11-1 INTERET DES MEMBRES ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 7057 /7 5 X . v/the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY X . c/RÉPUBLIQUE FÉDÉRALE D'ALLEMAGN E DECISION of 13 May 1976 on the admissibility of the application DECISION du 13 mai 1976 sur la recevabilité de la requét e Article 3 of the Convention : Examination under Article 3 of the length of sentence, allegedly excessive . Articte 3 de la Convention : Examen de le durée d'une peine, prétendument excessive, sous l'angle de l'article 3. Summary of the relevant facts français : voir...

CEDH | 13/05/1976 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 11 LIBERTE DE REUNION ET D'ASSOCIATION, Art. 11-1 FONDER ET S'AFFILIER A DES SYNDICATS, Art. 11-1 INTERET DES MEMBRES ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 7407/7 6 X . and Y . v/FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY X . et Y . c/REPUBLIQUE FEDÉRALE D'ALLEMAGN E DECISION of 13 May 1976 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 13 mai 1976 sur la recevabilité de la requête Rights not guaranteed by the Convention : No right to nature conservation is, as such guaranteed by the Convention. Droits non garantis par la Convention : Aucun droit A /a protection de la nature n'est, comme tel, garanti par la Convention . Summary o f the...

CEDH | 13/05/1976 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 11 LIBERTE DE REUNION ET D'ASSOCIATION, Art. 11-1 FONDER ET S'AFFILIER A DES SYNDICATS, Art. 11-1 INTERET DES MEMBRES ... APPLICATION/REOUÉTE N° 6452/74 Giuseppe SACCHI v/ITALY Giuseppe SACCHI c/ITALI E DECISION of 12 March 1976 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 12 mars 1976 sur la recevabilité de la requEt e A rt icle 10, para, 1 in fine of the Convention : Does this provision prevent a State television monopoly? Question non pursued Article 26 of the Convention : Exhaustion of domestic remedies . If an issue of constitutionality might arise in judicial proceedings before the ordinary Italian...

CEDH | 12/03/1976 | Commission (plénière)
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