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La jurisprudences de CEDH - page 807

Page 807 des 8 553 résultats trouvés :


Art. 35-1 EPUISEMENT DES VOIES DE RECOURS INTERNES, Art. 35-3 RATIONE TEMPORIS, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 8440/7 8 CHRISTIANS AGAINST RACISM AND FASCISM v/the UNITED KINGDOM CHRISTIANS AGAINST RACISM AND FASCISM c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 16 July 1980 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 16 juillet 1980 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Artlcle 10 of the Conventlon : !n the case of a demonstration by way of procession, the right to freedom of expression is subsidiary to that of /'reedom of assembly and does not require a separate examination . Article 11, pr•rr•graph l, of the...

CEDH | 16/07/1980 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 35-1 EPUISEMENT DES VOIES DE RECOURS INTERNES, Art. 35-3 RATIONE TEMPORIS, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE No . 7889/77 E .A .ARRONDELLE v/the UNITED KINGDO M E .A . ARRONDELLE c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 15 July 1980 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 15 juillet 1980 sur la recevabilité de la requét e Article 8 of the Convention and Article I of the First Protocof : Nuisance due to development of an airport and the construction of a motorway adjacent to the applicant's home Application declared admissible . Article 8 de le Convention et article 1 du Protocole edditionnef : Nuisances...

CEDH | 15/07/1980 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 35-1 EPUISEMENT DES VOIES DE RECOURS INTERNES, Art. 35-3 RATIONE TEMPORIS, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... APPLICATION/ R EQUETE N° 8692/79 Christian PIERSACK v/BELGIU M Christian PIERSACK c/BELGIQU E DECISION of 15 July 1980 on Ihe admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 15 juillet 1980 sur la recevabililé de la requél e Article 6, paragraph I of the Conventio n lal The independence and impartrâliry of a Courr of Assize put in quesrion by the fact that the president had taken part in the proceeding .s before thejudgenrent as a fnember of the prosecution, and rhar he rook part in this case in the decision on guilt...

CEDH | 15/07/1980 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 35-1 EPUISEMENT DES VOIES DE RECOURS INTERNES, Art. 35-3 RATIONE TEMPORIS, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 8282/78 CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY and 128 of its members v/SWEDEN CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY et 128 de ses fidèles c/SUÈD E DECISION of 14 July 1980 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 14 juillet 1980 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 6, paragraph 1, of the Convention : It is true that the right of a private individual to protect his reputation is a civil right. The Commission does not extend this right to a group of individuals, when the national law does not recognise such...

CEDH | 14/07/1980 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 35-1 EPUISEMENT DES VOIES DE RECOURS INTERNES, Art. 35-3 RATIONE TEMPORIS, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 8307/7 8 André DEKLERCK v/BELGIU M André DEKLERCK c/BELGIQUE DECISION of 11 July 1980 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 11 juillet 1980 sur la recevabilité de la requête ArIcle 6, paragraph 3 d, of the Convention : An accvsed who has freedly entered into a settlement as a result of which the judge, noting the withdrawal of the prosecution, declares the prosecution terminated, cannot complain that ce rt ain witnesses for the defence were not heard. Article 8, paragraph l...

CEDH | 11/07/1980 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 35-1 EPUISEMENT DES VOIES DE RECOURS INTERNES, Art. 35-3 RATIONE TEMPORIS, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... APPLICATION/REQUETE N° 8158/78 X . v/the UNITED KINGDOM X . c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 10 July 1980 on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 10 juillet 1980 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 3 or the Convention : a Bruises as a result of the use of force in the course of the arrest of a dangerous criminaJ. No appearance of tort ure . b Jf it is true that tota l sensory isolation can constitute a form of inhuman treatment, this is not so for mere segregation from other prisoners . Examination...

CEDH | 10/07/1980 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 35-1 EPUISEMENT DES VOIES DE RECOURS INTERNES, Art. 35-3 RATIONE TEMPORIS, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... APPLICATION/REOUETE N° 8341 /78 X . v/SWITZERLAN D X . c/SUISS E DECISION of 9 July on the admissibility of the application DÉCISION du 9 juillet 1980 sur la recevabdilé de la requêt e Article 6, paragraph 1, of the Convention : Claims relating to payments from the Swiss military insurance, given the unilateral nature of these payments, do not concern civil rights and obligaubns . Article 6, paragraphe 1, de la Convention : Les litiges portant sur les prestations de l'Assurance militaire sursse, vu le caractére...

CEDH | 09/07/1980 | Cour (chambre)


Art. 35-1 EPUISEMENT DES VOIES DE RECOURS INTERNES, Art. 35-3 RATIONE TEMPORIS, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 8462/79 X . v/the UNITED KINGDO M X . c/ROYAUME-UN I DECISION of 8 July 1980 on the admissibility ot the application DECISION du 8 juillet 1980 sur la recevabilité de la requ0t e Articles 3 and 26 of the Convention : Where an allegation is made of maltreatment, an action for damages is, as a general rule, a remedy which should be exhausted before introducing an application before the Commission. However, such an action ceases to be an effective remedy where the senior national authorities...

CEDH | 08/07/1980 | Commission (plénière)

CEDH | J., B. et 361 parents d'élèves c. SUISSE et ITALIE

Art. 35-1 EPUISEMENT DES VOIES DE RECOURS INTERNES, Art. 35-3 RATIONE TEMPORIS, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 8727/79 J ., B . and 361 parents v/SWITZERLAND and ITALY J, B et 361 parents d'élévés c/SUISSE et ITALI E DECISION of 8 July 1980 on the admissibiliiy of the application DÉCISION du 8 juillet 1980 sur la recevabilité de la requêt e Article 25 of the Convention : The Convention does not provide for any "acuo popular .s" . Every applicant must claim to be a victim of a violation of the Convention Article 26 of the Convention : Where complaints are made under Articles 8, 71 and 14 and are...

CEDH | 08/07/1980 | Commission (plénière)


Art. 35-1 EPUISEMENT DES VOIES DE RECOURS INTERNES, Art. 35-3 RATIONE TEMPORIS, Art. 6-1 PROCES EQUITABLE ... APPLICATION/REQUÉTE N° 8778/7 9 X . v/SWITZERLAN D X .c/SUISS E DECISION of 8 July 1980 on the admissibility of the application ' DÉCISION du 8 juillet 1980 sur la recevabilité de la requète ' Article 5, paragraph 1, of the Convention : Non-court decisions punishing a solrDer to be subjected to strict arrests Reference to the case of Eggs Decisions and Reporrs 6, p. 170 ; Decisions and Reports 15, p . 35 . Complainr declared admissible Article 6 of the Convention . Provision inapplicable in this particular case...

CEDH | 08/07/1980 | Commission (plénière)
Association des cours judiciaires suprmes francophones
Organisation internationale de la francophonie
Juricaf est un projet de l'AHJUCAF, l'association des Cours suprêmes judiciaires francophones. Il est soutenu par l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie. Juricaf est un projet de l'AHJUCAF, l'association des Cours suprêmes judiciaires francophones. Il est soutenu par l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie.
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